Saratoga Florist: LOCAL Flower Delivery by Juanita's Flowers

Juanita's Flowers, Your Local Saratoga Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Saratoga

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 10 miles from the center of Saratoga.

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Juanita's Flowers
1608 McKee Rd #40
San Jose, CA 95116
Leave a Review
Ruben RicoRuben Rico
one week ago
Rob FecknerRob Feckner
one week ago
My wife is still enjoying her beautiful bouquet. Thank you…..
Kulwant SahotaKulwant Sahota
one week ago
I placed my order from the UK and the staff were very helpful and pleasant. They were efficient and and friendly, the order was delivered as guaranteed and I highly recommend this flower store to everyone. The arrangements are outstanding and my mum loved her flowers…. Thank you Juanitas
Kevin PortilloKevin Portillo
one week ago
💯% recommended super friendly staff and in their deliveries they are excellent and on time
Danny AguirreDanny Aguirre
2 weeks ago
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